Challenge #4 and Race Update


We had fun on Friday and talked through some race options. The Tri-Loppet is very popular with everyone but I would encourage you to read through the race details. We would have to have boats and bikes and drop off them off before race time at specific locations. There are some rental options but they may run out and would need to be picked up at the ass crack of dawn. It could be really fun but could also be a lot of work to get there, unload, race and load it all back up again to go home. For some easy 5ks and mudruns, we just have to show up. We'd also love to do some group hikes this summer with a picnic at the end.

Here's the schedule so far:

May TBD - This will be a group hike or bike.

June TBD - Wolfie is putting something together for June. We will get back to you with the official date.

Challenge #4

This a good one for you to try again in a few days and try to beat your scores. Do not cheat on your tuck jumps! Post your results.

60/60 (60 seconds per exercise / 60 seconds rest in between exercises)
AMRAP. As many reps as possible. Write down reps for each exercise. One round.

Blast offs
Tuck jumps
Plank up-downs
Squat & Sprawls


Small Group Training for You!


Burpee HIIT